Watch Television While You Exercise

(Photographer: Dariusz Rompa)

Way too many people buy exercise equipment and then end up not using it. We want to plead with you to reconsider.

If you are having trouble motivating yourself this something you might want to try:

Park your exercise equipment in front of the television, and exercise while you watch your favorite shows and/or movies. 

Remember, because you are at home you can do everything to make yourself comfortable and at ease without worrying about what other people think (they’ll never know because they can’t see you). Some suggestions for making yourself comfortable are:

Dress in comfortable clothes (no one is going to see you at home)
Set up fans and the air conditioning the way you like it
Have a cold bottle of water at hand
Keep the remote control handy
Make sure to lock the door and shut off the phone, only if want 😉

If you make the workout as painless as possible then the time will pass faster.