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schedule an appointment (954) 450-3550


We have added a new section to our site: a special page that just contains news and information relating to dieting and weight loss. You can find it by going to: You will continue to receive samples of the updates on Facebook ...

(Image courtesy of Ranald101) All this information about Type 2 diabetes can be a bit overwhelming and depressing, but don't despair. If you have diabetes or you are at risk of diabetes you still control your fate. That is because diabetes ...

(Image courtesy F3rd4) Weight loss is a journey. The sooner you start the farther you'll get. So what are you waiting for? If you want to start losing weight there is no better time to start than right now! After all, New Year's resolutions ...

(Image courtesy of Belovodchenko Anton) When starting a new diet it is always important to be realistic. Is your goal weight the same as a model's weight? You probably won't end up looking like a model, and it might be too frustrating ...